Online Tools You Need to Learn as a Virtual Assistant

There are so many tools out there and when first getting started as a Virtual Assistant, it can be overwhelming if you tell yourself you have to learn all of them before landing your first client.

You definitely do not.

Don’t let not knowing or even being familiar with the online tools out there…stop you from getting started as a Virtual Assistant.

Being a Virtual Assistant is so much more than being able to expertly navigate Asana. Sure, it’s a plus and you’ll need to master it or other tools at some point…but it’s not what makes or break you getting started!

The things that make you a great Virtual Assistant…they can’t be taught. You have those qualities or you don’t…

Skills and knowledge of online tools can be learned. 

And besides, you can be an expert one day and know nothing the next with how often things change in the online business world.

Check out our Podcast Episode on “10 Traits You Have to Have as a Virtual Assistant” to learn more about what you do need.

The important stuff, you already have. The rest you CAN learn. 

But I know it can still be overwhelming to take on a role knowing you will be using tools that you’ve never used before. So let’s talk about how you can calm those fears without getting overwhelmed OR wasting a ton of time learning tools that you may never even have to use.

My suggestion is to narrow down the types of tools you will most likely come into contact with and then pick 1 or 2 tools to get familiar with. (familiar meaning, play around and make sure you can function inside of the tool, you don’t need to become an expert just yet)

Let’s break down the categories of tools you should look into:


Getting familiar with an invoicing tool is a must anyway because you yourself will need to learn how to invoice. So this is an easy one! 

Even if all you do inside of Quickbooks is invoice, get familiar with the process and layout of the expenses side of the tool so if you ever need to do this for a client, you’ve got it.

Try a few different tools out before you decide on what works for you and this will also give you familiarity with different tools out there.

Project Management

Another one you will most likely have to have for yourself anyway. Again, check out some different options. The popular ones right now are Trello, Asana,, Click Up, and more depending on exactly what you’re into.

Most of them are fairly similar to each other, so get familiar with one or two and you’ll be able to catch on quickly to all of them.

Here is the thing with all online tools but especially these project management tools… For the most part, certain personalities, work styles, and industries flock to certain tools. There are so many to choose from nowadays that not everyone uses the same one out of necessity. So when you find what tools your personality likes to use, what interfaces are easy for your work style, etc… then ideally the clients you work with will also like using those tools. 

BUT there will be times when clients are already married to specific tools. This is where you let them know that you are familiar with similar tools and excited to learn a new one. Never tell them you don’t know the tool or aren’t familiar. You are familiar with project management tools in general and you are capable of figuring a new one out. Share that same confidence with them.

Come up with processes in your own workflow, learn how to map them out in the project management tool you personally choose, and then replicate that with each client. 

Communication Tools

Most clients will use the same tools for communicating with their team. Slack is a huge one right now and it’s free to download and play around with. So is zoom! 

Get familiar with setting up meetings in Zoom, the settings inside meetings, adding them to your google calendar…

And learn how to connect your project management tool to slack so you can streamline that workflow.

There may be some outliers who use Voxer, Skype or Google hangouts…I wouldn’t go out of my way to learn these tools until you need to. 

Google Suite

This is another one that most clients will use. Sure, you’ll still have some clients in Microsoft Office but even then, most things will translate into Google Suite. 

Open Docs, Sheets, Forms, and all the tools you have time to explore!

The more you get into all of these tools, the more comfortable you’ll get diving into unfamiliar territory and catching on. Almost all of these tools have an extensive amount of tutorials and help sites on their own site and elsewhere! 

Just remember that you are capable of learning new things.  

Need someone to encourage or guide you through everything you need to learn? Check out our All-In Coaching Program, which gives you lifetime access to coaching and our online course so you can go on this journey at your own pace while having someone alongside you to cheer you on. Check it out here: