Asking a Client for Referrals

Referrals make the BEST clients.

Especially if you are getting them from a client you already work well with. Because then you know you are most likely getting another version of their personality…which you obviously already gel with!

But referrals don’t always just come. 

Sure, clients will ask if they can refer someone to you but…

You should also be asking current clients for referrals.

Don’t wait on them because they may not think of it. Or maybe they do during a conversation with a busy friend who doesn’t have an assistant but then they forget.

So when was the last time you asked for a referral?

If you’ve solidified your relationship with your client, you should have already been asking for referrals! 

Obviously, you don’t want to bug them, so ask once and follow up a month later if you don’t hear anything. 

Your ask could sound something like…

Hey Tianna!

Quick question for you. I am working on upping my client load and am wondering if you know anyone looking for or are in need of an assistant? I love working together so I’d love to work with more people like you!

Thanks in advance!


Most likely, they will automatically start referring once you ask them once because they will be excited to share their secret weapon with their friends! Plus, they know when you are secure in your VA business, they are secure in keeping you as an assistant…and giving you referrals will make sure that happens.

Still, never expect anything. Do your part in making them aware that you are taking referrals! Work it into the auto messaging in your invoicing, your email signature, etc! 

Keep something in your email signature like…

“Currently Accepting New Clients”

“Booking New Clients Now”

“Looking for an assistant? I am currently open! Let’s chat!”

Or in the memo of your invoices…

“Have a friend looking for an assistant? Send them my way and as a thank you, I’ll take 10% off your next invoice!”

“Know anyone who needs an assistant? Feel free to send them my way!”

“I’d love to work with more amazing clients like YOU. Do you have anyone in your network in need of an assistant?”

When you are owning your role as a Virtual Assistant and making yourself irreplaceable, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask!